MASTERCOOL 72485PRC Complete Universal Hydraulic Flaring Tool Set with Tube Cutter
January 28, 2025

This kit fabricates: Push Connect 1/4. GM Fuel Line Flare. Brake Lines and Transmission 5/16 and 3/8. Metric Bubble Flare 4.75. GM Transmission Cooling Lines (jiffy-tight) 3/8 and 1/2. Comes in a custom molded box with a mini tube cutter. PATENT# 5.782.128. Tube and die set stabilizing arm for easy tube forming. Magnetic adapter holder keeps adapters in place. Equipped with an enlarged die set compression area for better grip of dies. This tool can be used on “Annealed Steel” & “Dead Soft”. Includes Mastercool 70027 mini tube cutter for 1/8″ to 5/8″ 3 – 16 mm O. Tubing 1/8 to 1/2 nominal.